Hallux Rigidus

Hallux Rigidus

Hallux rigidus is a condition seen in the joint between the first toe and the metatarsal bone, which manifests itself with limitation of movement and pain in the joint. Our joints are covered with cartilage. Joint arthorsis occurs when the cartilage is damaged and eroded. The pain associated with movement in the early period begins to disturb the patient even at rest. The stiffness and limitation of movement in the joint negatively affect the quality of life.

What Are the Symptoms of Hallux Rigidus?

The patient presents with pain, swelling and pain in the thumb when pressed. In the future, bone growth in the root of the thumb and difficulty in using shoes occur. Pain is felt more in humid and cold weather. Patients experience significant difficulty in activities where the load on the thumb is increased, such as running and squatting. As the joint deterioration progresses, pain occurs at rest.


Hallux Rigidus Treatment

Local ice applications, anti-inflammatory drugs (painkillers) and rest therapy are applied during the exacerbation periods of the disease with redness and swelling in the joint. In the selection of shoes, shoes that are wider and higher in the front should be preferred in order to protect from pressure. If the front part of the sole of the shoe is hard or the orthoses (Morton Extension orthosis) placed in the shoe, restriction of thumb movements during daily activities will increase patient comfort.


If the patient has not benefited from non-operative treatments, surgical treatment is applied. The surgical procedure to be applied varies according to the stage of the disease and the activity level of the person.

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