Unicondylar Knee Replacement

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Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Unicondylar knee prostheses are prostheses in which only a portion of the worn knee joint is covered with a prosthesis. They consist of a plastic spacer between two metal surfaces. Depending on the surgeon's preference, this plastic spacer can be mobile or fixed. There are different designs for the inner and outer halves of the directory. In this method, the worn part of the knee is intervened. Unlike knee prosthesis surgery, the other half of the knee and the ligaments in it are not intervened.

In Which Patients Should Unicondylar Knee Prosthesis Be Preferred?

Various conditions are required for unicondylar knee replacement surgery to be performed.

Unicondylar prostheses can be preferred in patients whose joint wear is only in a limited area of ​​the knee. The wear on the joint should be in only one area, the articular cartilage, menisci, cruciate ligaments and lateral ligaments in the rest of the knee should be intact. If there is a deformity of the knee (inward or outward curvature), this should be correctable during the examination.

What are the Advantages of Unicondylar Knee Prosthesis?

  • Compared to total knee prosthesis, the knee can be intervened with a smaller incision.
  • Lower risk of infection
  • The postoperative recovery period is faster and less painful. Gaining knee range of motion and restoring muscle strength will take less time.
  • Post-surgery patients feel their knee more normal. This is because the ligaments and menisci of the knee are protected and the cartilage is intact, except for the replaced surface.

How many hours does Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgery Take?

When this surgery is performed by experienced people and as a team, it can be completed in half an hour or 1 hour.

What is the Success Rate in Partial Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgery?

The most important point for success in unicondylar knee replacement surgery is to determine whether the patient is suitable for this surgery. Other factors include the experience of the surgeon, the quality of the prosthesis to be used, and the suitability of operating room conditions.

When does Walking Start after Partial Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgery?

The postoperative period is the period when the surgeon is the happiest. On the day of surgery or the next day, patients can start walking with full weight bearing. It is sufficient for patients to use crutches for only 1-2 weeks. Compared to total knee replacement surgery, the patient's return to normal daily activities is extremely fast. Partial knee replacement surgery does not interfere with other tissues except damaged cartilage.

What Activities can the Patient do After Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgery?

After the unicondylar prosthesis, all non-impact and non-forceful activities such as walking, climbing stairs and squatting can be performed for daily life. Non-compulsive sports such as swimming, cycling, golf, bowling are recommended. Sports such as football, volleyball, tennis, basketball with sudden turns and jumps are not recommended. The purpose of restricting impact and challenging sports is to prevent premature wear and loosening of the prosthesis.

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