Knee Replacement Recovery

September 27, 2023

With the introduction of new generation technologies in prosthetic surgery, developments in anesthesia practices and advances in surgical technique, it is possible for patients to have a shorter hospital stay after prosthesis surgery, to be more painless and to regain their mobility quickly. During the recovery process after prosthesis surgery, the patient and the doctor have certain responsibilities. In order for the treatment to be successful, the surgical technique, the quality of the prosthesis used and the doctor's experience are of great importance. The patient must also follow the recommended practices regarding the continuation of the treatment after the surgery and adapt to the exercise programs.

The most difficult period is the first two weeks after surgery. With applications such as combined anesthesia and nerve blocks, the patient can spend the first 2 days after the surgery without almost any pain. In this process, the patient becomes able to perform the basic movements needed in daily life at an early stage through walking exercises. Patients who make an effort for walking exercises in the first 2 weeks return to their normal lives sooner.

Focus on the range of motion exercises recommended by your doctor for your knee in the early period.

There is no mechanical or biological obstacle to moving your knee after knee replacement surgery. However, in patients with severe movement restrictions before surgery, it is necessary to support the muscles and other soft tissues with exercises to regain their former functions.

Take precautions to feel safe after surgery.

Falls and accidents during the recovery period after prosthesis surgery may prolong your recovery process. Using a walker in the first 6 weeks will help you feel safe and protect you against possible loss of balance. When going up and down stairs, it is necessary to hold on to the handrail and make sure that the floors are not slippery. Carpets that may pose a tripping hazard can be removed for a while.

Take precautions against infection.

In the early postoperative period, the first wound closure occurs within 48 hours. However, the wound and the dressing must be kept clean within 2 weeks. Watching for signs of infection is important for recovery after total knee replacement. If you have symptoms such as increasing pain, redness and discharge in the surgery area, you should consult your doctor without delay.

When is full recovery achieved after knee replacement surgery?

After knee replacement surgery, the patient walks the day after surgery and can take care of his/her basic needs. At the end of the 2nd week, the patient's wound healing is completed. After the 6th week, the patient begins to walk comfortably without the need for a walker. At the end of the 3rd month, the patient often forgets that he/she had prosthesis surgery and can continue his/her daily activities.

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