Discoid Meniscus

September 10, 2023

Discoid Meniscus

Menisci are cartilaginous structures located in the knee joint that have important functions such as load transfer, shock absorption and deep sensory transfer. They are the structures most frequently exposed to trauma in the knee joint. There are two in each knee, one on the medial and lateral sides.

The normal shape of the meniscus is in the shape of the letter C - crescent. Discoid meniscus, on the other hand, shows structural and biological differences. Discoid meniscus is shaped like a “coin or disk” and is thicker. In the normal meniscus structure, there is a gap in the middle of the meniscus.

This is a structural difference. The patient can continue his life without any discomfort in the knee. However, taking up more space in the joint causes meniscus injury more easily. In addition, since the middle part of the discoid meniscus is thinner, the risk of meniscus injury is higher. Tears generally occur starting from the central part of the meniscus. Most of these injuries occur with simple injuries.

Although discoid meniscus is seen in 3-5% of the population, it is most commonly encountered in the lateral meniscus.

What are the Symptoms of Discoid Meniscus?

Discoid meniscus tears are often encountered in childhood and adolescence, when active movements are high. The most common complaints are pain, clicking, mechanical locking of the knee.

The diagnosis of discoid meniscus is made by MRI.

Discoid Meniscus Treatment

If there is pain, locking and other complaints, treatment is performed with arthroscopic surgery.

It is to clean the torn central parts of the meniscus and give the meniscus a "C" shape. If the tear reaches the periphery of the meniscus, meniscus repair should also be performed.

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