The benefits and potential drawbacks of knee replacement surgery

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  • The benefits and potential drawbacks of knee replacement surgery
December 12, 2022

Knee replacement surgery is mainly applied to restore function by eliminating pain and limitation of movement in the knee joint. Knee replacement surgery becomes inevitable when non-surgical methods such as medication, physical therapy, exercise, and knee injection applications do not help in advanced knee osteoarthritis.

In the past, knee replacement surgery was not preferred as much as it is practiced today. The reason for this is that today there is advanced technological and medical progress on this application. Nowadays, it has become one of the frequently applied treatments in orthopedic practice due to the improvement of operating room conditions, advances in surgical techniques, developments in prosthesis designs, and easier post-operative pain control.

Today, many people postpone their knee replacement surgery due to their concerns about surgery, despite severe knee pain that affects their daily lives. Studies show that 90% of patients with knee osteoarthritis wait a long time to have knee replacement surgery. Knowing the advantages of modern technological methods used today, by justifying the concerns of the patients on this issue, helps patients while making this decision.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the question of what happens if a patient with knee osteoarthritis doesn't undergo surgery:

The patient's mobilization (daily activities) during the day will decrease due to knee pain and limitation of movement. For example, the patient has difficulty in walking, it has become difficult for the patient to participate in social activities. Inevitably, the patient tries to establish a life for him/herself at home or in a limited environment. This causes the patient to gain weight and become lonely in his social life. Due to the weight gained, there is an increase in diseases seen in other systems. For example, due to weight gain and inactivity, the risk of atherosclerosis is much higher and the risk of diseases such as diabetes increases.

The patient started to feel pain even at rest. One of the key questions a physician asks when recommending prosthetic surgery is whether there is rest pain. Rest pain seriously reduces the comfort of life and impairs sleep quality.

The patient has to use painkillers continuously due to pain over time. Due to the continuous use of these treatments for pain relief, serious problems such as gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure, liver failure may be encountered. If gastric bleeding is severe and not intervened in a timely manner, it may result in the death of the patient. The gradual worsening of kidney functions over time can make the person dependent on dialysis.

The person will have difficulty in going up and down stairs, sitting on a chair and even going to the market to buy the simplest daily needs due to pain.

In knee replacement surgery, the damaged bone and cartilage in the joint are removed, and the prosthesis is replaced with special metal alloys and other components. The purpose of the prosthesis surgery applied to the knee joint is to relieve the pain in the knee joint and to regain the mobility of the patient to maximize the quality of daily life of the patient.

After the surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon, the products of prosthetic companies that have proven themselves used around the world and good pain management and rehabilitation after surgery, the patient will quickly get rid of their pain and limitations.

What are the Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery?

  • Discomfort, relief from pain
  • Eliminate movement restriction
  • Ability to do daily activities more comfortably
  • Problem-free prosthesis use between 15-25 years
  • Getting rid of swelling around the knee

What are the Potential Drawbacks of Knee Replacement Surgery?


It is the fearful dream of the patient and the doctor in prosthetic surgery. Statistically, the incidence is 1-2% in the literature and in our practice, but in case of a possible infection, long-term antibiotic use and repetitive surgical interventions are required.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

One of the most common problems after knee replacement surgery is blood clots. Clots that prevent blood flow and damage blood vessels can even cause vital functions to stop. If it breaks off from where it is and reaches the lungs, it can cause pulmonary embolism and cause the death of the person. This serious condition is followed and mobility is ensured after the surgery and anticoagulant drugs are given.

Nerve and Vascular Damage

This situation, which may be experienced during the surgery, is among the risks that may occur, although it is rare. If the surgeon accidentally cuts one of the nerves and arteries in the knee area during the procedure, it may cause a second operation. If the nerve is cut, it is possible to experience loss of sensation and movement in the area. For this reason, it is very important to choose orthopedic doctors who are experts in their field for surgery.

Postoperative Knee Stiffness

Knee stiffness is one of the complications that may occur as a result of the person's inability to move after surgery. In order to avoid knee stiffness, you should not neglect to perform the recommended muscle movements regularly after the surgery. In cases where mobility can’t be achieved, surgical intervention may be required again to remove the stiffness. This means that you will have a second surgery and be re-anesthetized.

Loosening of the Prosthesis

One of the symptoms of unsuccessful knee replacement surgery is loosening of the implant and loss of stability. Movement of the prosthesis after the surgery may cause re-abrasions in the joint and the onset of pain again. The treatment of this condition is to fix the prosthesis again by surgery and replace it when necessary.

As a result, it is the positive and negative results that can be experienced after the surgery that the patient and the physician should decide. If there is pain and limitation in movement, knee replacement surgery is a surgery that can be applied successfully today. The most feared unexpected outcome is infection, and even this has a 1-2% risk. It is considered as a very low risk compared to the risks that may be encountered in non-surgical treatments.

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